By Felicia King
President & CEO, QPC Security


As a technical person, do you ever feel like you are not understood when dealing with management? Have you ever been the one left picking up the pieces with a customer when what they were sold is not what they need or can be delivered? Have you been left frustrated by the problems created by a sales/marketing oriented and driven management team?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any or all of these questions then I encourage you to take some time to read this article and see what makes QPC Security different.

Management is technical

Imagine working for a company where the leadership not only understands the technology, but they also know how to do the job. At QPC Security, are able to support our team when they encounter roadblocks or issues because we have been there. If for any reason, we needed to step in to an engineer’s job (say for example they are on vacation) we can and we do. A prime example of this was when we recently had an engineer who needed to be gone for two weeks (and did not have vacation time available). I told him that if he wanted to be paid for the entire month, he would need to put forth the effort in the last two weeks of the month. To make this all happen, I worked weekends and stayed late during the week to support his productivity so he could get a full month of hours in 2 weeks. It has been my experience that the real star performers are drawn to and want to work for a hard-working leader they can respect, does not leave them high and dry, and who is there to support them in hitting the goals.

Too often, true technical talent leaves an organization because they are not supported and work in a silo from leadership. At QPC Security, we know what the standards should be for running an MSP/MSSP. We are adamant about documentation, prioritize cross-training, and are able to attract and retain top technical talent because we have the same skills we seek in prospective employees. We work as a team through all levels of the organization.

The right people sell the solutions

We know of too many MSP/MSSP companies where the leadership team is all sales/marketing oriented. Sure, they can sell any widget to a prospect because they understand the art of the sale. Problem is, without understanding the technology, they often times sell the wrong widget and you, as the technical person, are left trying to implement the wrong solution or explaining to the customer why they now need a new widget. It’s the age-old problem of over-selling and under-delivering. At QPC Security, we not only understand the art of the sale, but we also have the right level of technical knowledge and expertise to sell the right solution to the customer.

Too often in other companies, engineers are excluded from client meetings because they say engineers are billable resources and too valuable to be having doing any sales or customer relationship management. You have to stop and ask yourself if you want to work for a company that does not value the customer relationship enough to bring the people who can actually do the work into the conversation.

You always know where you stand

How many times have you walked into your annual review not having a clue about what will be said or how your manager feels about your work? At QPC Security, you know what is wanted of you. Without fail, we provide direct, specific, usable, and timely feedback. Our success is dependent upon your success. We do not let problems linger and we have open lines of communication to ensure that if a course correction is needed, everyone is aware and able to make adjustments. We do not have extraordinary expectations, but we do hire extraordinary professionals with the right attitude.

In closing, when accepting a position with our company, you can be assured that you are joining a team of highly experienced architects and engineers. You can grow as fast and as much as you want to. We are always looking for critical thinkers who care about making things better and work to continually kaizen our internal operations. If this sounds like you, then please visit our Career page to learn more.