The greatest demand for physical access control is usually seen in schools and healthcare. A lot of commercial facilities are using access control for more flexible access options providing different rules for different personnel with different schedules. It can also reduce the issues associated with physical keys being lost or simply too many to carry. Access control is heavily used at critical infrastructure sites such as utility companies and their installations. It is quite common for surveillance rules to be activated and correlated with access control activity.
QPC Security provides access control solutions in multiple forms including pin pad, smart phone app, access card, key fob, time-based access, unique door access, and unique access per individual. Access control can be combined with surveillance, building lockdown automation, phone systems, and public address systems.
Access control fundamentally consists of granular rules controlled and managed by customer security personnel which allow for fail safe, fail secure, per-user rules, and reporting on activity.
QPC’s approach is always to get to know the customer and understand what their exact requirements and needs are. We consult the business, engineer a solution, and then what has been accepted by the customer is implemented. We are very sensitive to the ongoing support model of the client and empower the client’s own personnel to manage the system in an ongoing fashion where possible.
We never install or deploy an access control solution in a vacuum. For it to be optimally effective, the access control solution must be integrated with the suite of technologies that the customer uses.
We pay close attention to the support model, budget, TCO, and RACI matrix required for a solution to be effective. It is not just about implementation, but about ongoing support and scale.